Tuesday, November 27, 2012

are you dare?

tadi lambat pegy kls.


slept on 2.30pm and wished to wake up on 2.50pm because the class start at 4pm and i had so much things to do.

unfortunately, i woke up exactly at 4.30pm

i was hesitate, "should i go or not?". the lecturer are extremely strict about time.

 then i decided, " I have to go"

i arrived at the in front of the door of the lecture hall exactly at 4.45pm.

i read some 'ayat' to cool down myself, and to ask for His help to strengthen me.

I opened the door, and walked slowly. 

Alhamdulillah, i was like.. invisible ( because normally when someone late, she will ask with her mad face and voice " why are u late?").

don't run. face it.

Allah is always there. have faith

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


perbualan antara sy dan seorang kawan, time otw nak p kelas baru2 ni

sy : tau tak Q tak sihat? kesian dia.. cuti hari tu masuk ICU.. pengsan

dia: pengsan? sakit ape teruk sgt tu.. smpai masuk ICU

sy: dia demam je. tp demam dia mmg jenis smpai pengsan

dia: kesiannya. sy tak pernah pengsan. akak pernah pengsan kan?

sy: haah, pernah

pastu terpana jap

sy: eh? mane tau akak pernah pengsan?

dia: akak kan byk penyakit, mesti la pernah pengsan.

Allah.. kelakar betul statement dia. even though it is true.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Tidaklah seorang muslim menderita sakit kerana suatu penyakit melainkan Allah menggugurkan kesalahan- kesalahannya dengan penyakit itu, sebagaimana pohon yang menggugurkan daun-daunnya" - HR Bukhari, Muslim


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